What Is a CO Home Energy Score & Why Is It Important?

It seems like everything we need to figure out in life has a score. From the time we are graded in school to our job performance evaluations, numbers define where we are and the direction we need to take. The same is valid for energy efficiency in our houses. Find out more about a CO home energy score, what it means, and why it is so important to know.

What Is a Home Energy Score (HES)?

The United States Department of Energy developed the Home Energy Score (HES) to determine the envelope of a home and its leading energy systems. Homes throughout the United States are compared, regardless of location. 

How The HES Works

Homeowners can determine the energy efficiency of their CO residences based on the HES. The score goes from 1 to 10. And ten is considered the most efficient. This basic numerical score is referred to as the asset score. In addition, an estimate of utility bills savings is provided to the homeowner based on if all the recommendations are made. 

The Recommendations Help Homeowners

The assessment of the house includes the insulation levels of the roof, ceiling, and walls, the square footage, the direction the front door faces, the size and type windows, HVAC system, and foundation. Once the housing data is collected, customized recommendations are made to help save energy and lower utility bills. This is included with the score page. 

Standard Criteria

The HES is based on standard criteria rather than customized information. Current energy use is not considered. Rather, the score is based on the standard thermostat setting, amount of laundry done by a family of a specific size, and other standardized factors.

Weather Matters

Another factor that is included in the HES is the weather in the area. In cold areas, it may cost more to heat the home than in moderate ones. However, cooling costs are also considered for those who live in a climate that is warm most of the year.

Realize the Potential Savings

When a homeowner reads the score and recommendations, the potential savings are evident. Based on the recommendations, an estimate is issued to show how much would be saved if the homeowner implemented all of them. This score is a foundation for making integral changes that help CO homeowners save energy and lower their utility bills for years to come.

Scheduling a Home Energy Audit

The first step to saving is to schedule a home energy audit and ask about getting this important score. Rebates and incentives might exist that pay some of the costs. And the small investment to get this information will realize a nearly immediate ROI.

Get the Facts From An Audit

During a home energy audit, site-specific testing is conducted to see where the home is wasting energy, such as drafty doors and windows. Past utility bills are analyzed to figure out how much energy is currently being used. Every area of the house is examined, from the basement to the attic. And additional recommendations are made to help homeowners maximize their savings.

Save All Year Round

Whether you are using air conditioning in the summer or heat in the winter. an audit and the HES  help you save energy all year round. Smart recommendations reduce your energy use throughout the year.

Contact a local home energy auditor to schedule your audit today. Learn the HES for your home and start saving energy and feeling good about going green.

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