
Find Out More About Your Carbon Footprint And What It Means

People often require far more natural resources than they think they do.  With each flush of the commode, flip of a light switch and quick jaunt in the car, consumers …

10 Simple Ways To Save Energy At Home

Saving money on utility bills is a smart way to stretch your household budget. Learning simple ways to save energy at home can help you lower your utility costs and keep more of your hard earned money in your account. There are many things you can do to reduce your energy consumption and here are 10 simple ways to save energy at home. Try one or all of them and watch your bill drop and enjoy the savings. Save Energy At Home By Bundling Up

Six Ways People Waste Energy at Work

Wasted energy at home has always been frowned upon by everyone who pays the monthly electric bill. Saving energy at work, however, is not regularly considered by anyone but the company’s chief financial officer. Considering your total carbon footprint these days, though, will require you to following the trail to work. Here are a few examples of wasted energy at work:

Saving Money And The Environment With Xcel Energy

Xcel Energy, a utility holding company based out of Minneapolis, is a leading energy supplier in the U.S. with four subsidiary companies: Northern States Power-Minnesota, Northern States Power-Wisconsin, Public Service …

How You Can Waste Energy Without Knowing It

In these days of soaring energy costs, and concern about the planet’s resources, there is no excuse for wasting energy — yet most of us do so on a daily basis. We keep items turned on when they aren’t being used, and let energy out where it does no good. If we can learn the common ways people waste energy in a residential house, we may find ideas for reducing our wastage. Keeping Clean

Enjoying the Energy Benefits from Attic Insulation

When a homeowner understands the energy benefits from attic insulation, it is the first step in ensuring the home has what it needs. Adequate attic insulation is an important factor in keeping an HVAC unit from having to work harder to maintain appropriate temperatures in a home. With improved energy efficiency, the residents improve their comfort while reducing utility bills. How it Works

Energy: Where’s it Come From and Where Does it Go?

The annual chart from DOE/Lawrence Berkeley on where energy comes from and goes.Ever wonder where our country’s energy comes from and goes to? This fascinating map from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory shows in simple graphic terms where we generate energy and how much of it goes to various sectors. One of the fascinating aspects of this is everything you see in gray–“Rejected Energy.” What this really means is waste. Particularly in electricity, as much as 2/3 of all the energy created is lost during transmission and via other means before it actually does any work.

How Blower Door Assisted Air Sealing Helps Find Leaks

The combination of a blower door and the tools to seal leaks in your house is one of the proven ways to cut down on costly air leakage.

Video: Allstate Insurance Now Promoting Home Performance?

This advertisement from Allstate demonstrates the importance of water heater safety in the home. Is Allstate now promoting Home Performance?  Well, not exactly, but this TV ad nonetheless demonstrates the importance of water heater safety and regularly checking your home’s combustion equipment:

Is Your Insulation Working? Find Out with an Energy Audit.

Winter’s coming. It’s already heating season. So how do you save money on heating costs? You’ve got to own your heat. Simple as that. You’ve paid for all that warm air already, so it doesn’t make much sense to waste it now.

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